European Funds KED - NAVA - UMK - IDUB - EU ESF

Academia Copernicana
Interdisciplinary Doctoral School

Contact ul. Bojarskiego 1, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: +48 56 611-26-79

Invitation to the workshop "Natural Capital, Ecosystem Services and Environmental Accounting" (March 11-13, 2024)

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Invitation to the workshop "Natural Capital, Ecosystem Services and Environmental Accounting" to be conducted by Prof. Pier Paolo Franzese and Prof. Elvira Buonocore.



Dear PhD Candidates,

we invite you to take part in the workshop "Natural Capital, Ecosystem Services and Environmental Accounting" (March 11-13, 2024) to be conducted by Prof. Pier Paolo Franzese and Prof. Elvira Buonocore. Both professors are from the UNESCO Chair "Environment, Resources and Sustainable Development" of the Parthenope University in Naples, Italy. This course is optional in the Academia Copernicana program [2 ECTS].

We all are interested in saving our planet. That is why, the course will focus on environmental footprints, a biophysical perspective on natural capital, ecosystem services, and environmental accounting. This course demonstrates methods to assess the value of natural capital (stocks of renewable and non-renewable natural resources) and ecosystem services (benefits humans derive from nature). In addition, the course provides theoretical and applied knowledge of environmental accounting tools for assessing environmental footprints and sustainability indicators. This course is for all interested in the environmental costs of human activities, e.g. producing engagement rings, pizza, or pierogi.

Time and place:

Faculty of Biological and Veterinary Sciences (ul. Lwowska 1)

- March 11, 2024 (Mon), 15:15-18:15 -> Room II (building B)

- March 12, 2024 (Tue), 15:15-18:15 -> Room II (building B)

- March 13, 2024 (Wed), 15:15-18:15 -> Room III (building B)


If you have any questions about the details, please contact the coordinator – Prof. NCU, Agnieszka Piernik (email:


Due to the limited number of places, I would very much appreciate it if you could send your applications for participation in the workshop to Prof. NCU A. Piernik by 4 March 2024, at the


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