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Academia Copernicana
Interdisciplinary Doctoral School

Contact ul. Bojarskiego 1, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: +48 56 611-26-79

Book publication by Ms. Ewa Sułek

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photo: Wydawnictwo Nisza

Ms. Ewa Sułek, a PhD student at the Academia Copernicana Interdisciplinary Doctoral Studies, has published a book titled "Zwierzęta, które zjadły swoich ludzi" (literal translation: The animals who ate their people) in both Polish and Ukrainian languages.

The book has been published by Nisza publishing house with the use of Grants4NCUStudents grant. 

Published in September, "Zwierzęta, które zjadły swoich ludzi" has been recognized by the Gazeta Wyborcza journalists as one of the best debuts of 2022.

Ewa Sułek's black comedy echoes the theater of the absurd of the mid-20th century - the dramas of Beckett, Ionesco, Mrożek, created in response to the horrors of the World War. The Polish author's play predates the current war: it was written in 2019, five years after the outbreak of war in Donbass and the annexation of Crimea, three years before Russia's invasion of Ukraine. What it has in common with the drama of the absurd is the questioning of the "normal" order and the building of tragedy through farcical comedy. It is a story about the absurd world of war, in which the dead are more alive than the living, and animals become more human than inhuman people.
- Roman Pawłowski (literary, theater, television and film critic)


Congratulations to Ms. Sułek for this extraordinary success!

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